• Only manufacturer and sell good machines
    Since JINLI &Howfond established, “Only manufacturer and sell good machines” has became the core values of the company principle, We respect the individuals' suggestion, advice, and needs, and we also satisfy our clients with great quality and excellent service.
  • Responsibility
    With our sincerity and responsibility, we manufacture high quality products and have our clients earn profits from using our product. Our responsibility is to manufacture superior quality products and satisfy the clients.
  • Honor
    We pursue success in every single task and the trust of each individual client, and we are proud of our business. Howfond is targeting the whole globe as its market; clients from worldwide will earn more profit from using our products. The more profit we create, the more people will benefit from it. This is our honor and what we are proud of.
  • Perfection
    The pursuit of quality and technology is endless, as this is how the world progresses. As we are appreciated for our quality goods, we strive to be closer to perfection for our products. To do this, Howfond studies from advanced industries, listen to advice from clients and colleagues, and strive to create ever more perfect products.
    Create the future, expect the future.
  • Mission
    As innovators, we are committed to be the leading manufacturer of packaging equipment in China, as well as being an aggressive company seeking to consolidate our global presence through globalization. We assist manufacturers worldwide to achieve their goals by providing high quality performance machines as well as our reliable customer oriented services.
  • Goal
    Every core production team manages themselves and is responsible for their own profits and losses (Responsibility Center System).
    To execute the goal by setting up
    - Management center in China
    - Marketing base in China
    - Develop & research team in China
    - Professional production plant China
    - US oversea assembling plant
Product Catalog